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Scientist > Katharina Habler

Katharina Habler


// studied food chemistry at TUM and has been a doctoral student at the Chair of Analytical Food Chemistry (TUM) since 2013

// Her research focuses on the analysis (LC-MS/MS) of mycotoxins in barley, malt and beer

// After having completed his ­apprenticeship as a brewer and maltster

Contact: laborundmore@succidia.de

How can we safeguard the quality of our beer?

From the barley to the bottle - von Prof. Dr Michael Rychlik, Katharina Hofer, Dr Martina Gastl, Katharina Habler, Cajetan Geißinger, Dr Michael Hess

Beer is an integral part of German culture. Not only because of the German "Beer Purity Law" (Reinheitsgebot) it is that we associate the drink with ­concepts such as “traditional”, “wholesome” and “additive-free”. As a cereal product, however, beer is subject to the same conditions that affect the cultivation, storage and ­processing of other cereal crops. One of the problems with which almost all ­cereal products are confronted is...