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Scientist > Prof. Dr Horst Kunz

Prof. Dr Horst Kunz

// was born in 1940 in Frankenhausen (Saxony), and studied chemistry at the Humboldt University of Berlin and Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

// He completed his doctorate under Leopold Horner in 1969 while working cyclic organophosphorus compounds

// Habilitation followed in 1977, the appointment as professor (C2 scale) in 1979 and, after declining an outside offer, appointment as C4-scale Professor of Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry at Mainz University

// His key areas of research are stereoselective reactions and the chemistry of alkaloids, peptides, carbohydrates and glycopeptides

// He was awarded the Max Bergmann Medal in 1992, the Emil Fischer Medal in 2000 and the Adolf Windaus Medal from the University of Göttingen in 2001

// In 1988 he was elected a Correspondent Member of the Saxonian Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Leipzig

Contact: laborundmore@succidia.de

Chemical synthesis of vaccines

An anti-cancer jab? - von Prof. Dr Horst Kunz, Sebastian Hartmann, Björn Palitzsch

*Vaccinations against disease: a blessing for humanity*