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Scientist > Dr Kurt Brunner

Dr Kurt Brunner

// born in 1973 graduated in Technical Chemistry from TU Vienna before obtaining his doctorate from the University’s Institute of Chemical Engineering in 2003

// While preparing his thesis, he worked on the molecular biology of fungi

// Following research work conducted at the University of Naples, he then participated in several projects investigating plant-pathogen interactions as a postdoc at the Vienna University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences and TU Vienna

// He has headed the “Molecular Diagnostics” working group at the Department for Agrobiotechnology (IFA-Tulln) since 2008

// His activities generally focus on the development of DNA-based test assays for use in food and water analytics

Contact: laborundmore@succidia.de

Isothermal amplification in food analysis – a real alternative to conventional PCR

Trust, but verify - von Dr Kurt Brunner, Celine Zahradnik

Inherited genetic material – deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA for short – is unique to every living thing and can therefore be utilised like a fingerprint for identification purposes. DNA analysis has thus become an indispensable tool within food safety, and in the real-time testing of both raw materials and finished products. The ­established method for confirmation of specified target DNA in a sample is the polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

Aptamers as a new alternative to antibodies

Magnetic Attraction - von Dr Kurt Brunner

Within the European Union, measures to safeguard our food are becoming increasingly stringent: any constituents hazardous to health are either prohibited or ­permitted only as a trace. For analytics, ensuring compliance and monitoring for all of the statutory provisions safeguarding our food is a hugely challenging task. While immunotests have now been deployed successfully in rapid testing for the last three decades, aptamers have demonstrated increasing...