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Scientist > Björn Palitzsch

Björn Palitzsch

// was born in 1981 in Erlabrunn (Erzgebirge) and studied Biomedicinal Chemistry at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

// In 2010, he completed his Diplom thesis at the University Dermatologic Clinic under the supervision of Dr H. Jonuleit, entitled “Investigation of Human CD8+T cells in Immunodeficient Mice with Transgenic HLA Expression”

// Since March 2011, he has been researching for his doctoral thesis under Professor Kunz in the field of synthetic glycopeptide vaccines

Contact: laborundmore@succidia.de

Chemical synthesis of vaccines

An anti-cancer jab? - von Prof. Dr Horst Kunz, Sebastian Hartmann, Björn Palitzsch

*Vaccinations against disease: a blessing for humanity*