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Scientist > Prof. Thomas Vilgis

Prof. Thomas Vilgis

// holds a professorship from the University of Mainz and works at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in the physics and chemistry of soft matter, including food systems

// Vilgis studied physics in Ulm, where he also received his doctorate in polymers and elastomer systems

// This was followed by postdoctoral work at the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge under Sir Sam Edwards

// His primary field of interest is the molecular properties of food systems and the multiscale physics of foodstuffs

// He is the author of many specialist publications and has authored several books on the subject of cooking and science

Contact: laborundmore@succidia.de

From fat droplets in plant cells to novel foods

Functional nanoparticles - von Dr Birgitta Zielbauer, Prof. Behic Mert, Prof. Thomas Vilgis

Occurring naturally in oilseeds, oleosomes are particles with special properties. Depending on the plant ­variety, their size ranges from microns down into the nanoscale. These particles, with their protein-­functionalized surfaces, are structurally very stable indeed. This makes them ­relevant for fundamental ­research and pharmacology, and also for innovative ­applications in food science.