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Scientist > Álvaro Barroso

Álvaro Barroso

// studied physics at the University of Seville before then completing an M.Sc. at the University of Münster (WWU)

// He has been working on his doctorate in optical manipulation/biophotonics since 2012 in the WWU’s Institute of Applied Physics

Contact: laborundmore@succidia.de

Cell experiments with optical tweezers are revolutionising biomedicine

Tweezing without touching - von Robert Meissner, Christina Alpmann, Álvaro Barroso, Prof. Dr. Cornelia Denz

Ultramodern imaging techniques such as the Nobel Prize-winning STED micro­scopy enable the investigation of organisms, cells, bacteria and even viruses, DNA or individual molecules at very high spatial and temporal resolution. Active intervention in these tiniest of biological structures has been largely limited to indirect methods, however. While new developments such as microtweezers and micromechanical clamps are promising, these devices generally...