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Scientist > Dr Jochen Türk

Dr Jochen Türk

// studied Chemistry at the University of Dortmund

// He has worked as a research assistant at the Institute of Energy and Environmental Technology e.V. (IUTA) since 2001

// His PhD thesis at the University of Duisburg has focused on LC-MS/MS analysis techniques in the field of occupational safety and environmental protection

// From 2003 to 2008 he worked as project and lab manager in the field of environmental medicine

// From 2009 to June 2012, he was the head of the department for Research Analysis

// He has been managing the Environmental Hygiene & Trace Substances unit since July 2012

// In the services sector, Dr Turk is involved in biomonitoring and environmental monitoring work on cytostatics plus cleaning validation

// Key scientific research topics include trace analysis using LC-MS, as well as the development of oxidative procedures for municipal and industrial wastewater treatment

// The chemical and biological characterisation of transformation products plays a major part in this research work

Contact: laborundmore@succidia.de

Instrumental and effect-directed analysis in the oxidative degradation of micropollutants

Pharmaceuticals in wastewater - von Dr Jochen Türk

Occurance and fate of micropollutants, metabolites and transformation products in the water cycle is placing increasingly higher demands on instrumental analysis in terms of resolution and sensitivity. As yet, effect-directed analysis methods play a subordinate role in water analysis work. Yet for evaluating unknown samples or ingredients, these methods form a perfect complement to instrument-based identification. Indeed, in the detection of estrogenically...