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Raters, Marion, Dr.

is a state-certified food chemist and studied food chemistry at the Westphalian Wilhelms University in Münster. Joining LCI in 1999, she obtained her doctorate here in 2008 under Professor Matissek on the topic of “Mycotoxins in Cocoa”. She is the Institute's Deputy Director, and her work focuses primarily on the application of LS-MS/MS to process contaminant analysis.

Renneberg, Reinhard, Prof Dr

// born 1951, studied chemistry at Lomonossov University, Moscow // After obtaining a diploma he moved to the Zentral­institut für Molekularbiologie (ZIM) [Central Mole­cular Biology Institute] in Berlin-Buch, where he acquired a doctorate in 1978 and became a Professor of Biosensorics in 1991 // From 1991 to 1995 he directed the Immunosensorics Division of the Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical and ­Biosensorics (ICB) in Münster // In 1994 he followed the call of the Hong Kong University of ­Science and Technology (HKUST), becoming a Full Professor of Analytical Biotechnology // ­Professor Renneberg has also been active in setting up companies and as the Scientific ­Director of R&C Biogenius Ltd. He is the author of ‘Bioanalytics for Beginners’ and ‘Biotechnology ­for Beginners’, for which he won the Literary Prize of the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie [Chemical­ Industry Fund] in 2008

Rodrigues, José C., Ass. Prof. Dr.

// is an Associate Professor at the Centre for Natural Sciences and Humanities (CCNH) of the Federal University of ABC (São Paulo, Brazil), where he was Pro-Rector from 2007 to 2010 (implementation of the UFABC) // he obtained his BASc degree in Chemical Engineering at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering (FEI), São Paulo, Brazil, in 1997, and his PhD in Physical Chemistry from the University of São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, Brazil, in 2002 // he obtained his Postdoc in Petroleum Engineering at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), São Paulo, Brazil, in 2006 and 2012 // he obtained a technical degree in Mechatronics in 2004 at the National Service of Industrial Training (SENAI), São Paulo, Brazil // has more than 15 years of experience in the petrochemical industry, and has lately been involved in the fractionation of bitumen using supercritical fluids

Rychlik, Michael, Prof. Dr

// studied food chemistry at the University of Kaiserslautern // After receiving his doctorate from Technische Universität München (TUM), he completed his habilitation in food chemistry at TUM in 2003 // Appointed Scientific Director of the Bioanalytics Weihenstephan (TUM) in 2008, he received a full university professorship at the Chair of Analytical Food Chemistry at the TUM School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan in 2010 // He lectures in food chemistry at TUM and also holds/has held ­lecture series at the University of Erlangen (Germany) and the University of Queensland (Australia) // Past accolades include the German Industrial Bakeries’ Research Prize and the Kurt Täufel Prize from the German Food ­Chemistry Society (part of GDCh) // Since 2014, he has been Chairman of the Committee for Contaminants and other Undesirable Substances in the Food Chain, as set up by the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR, Berlin)

Schänzer, Wilhelm, Prof. Dr

// followed a first degree in sports and chemistry with a doctorate from the Institute of Biochemistry at German Sport University Cologne, completing his habilitation there in 1995 // He was appointed Professor of Biochemistry and Head of the Institute of Biochemistry and its WADA-accredited doping control lab at German Sport University Cologne in 1997 // His key areas of research focus involve the clarification of steroid metabolism and the identification of new long-term metabolites; improving analytical techniques for autologous doping-relevant substances such as erythropoietin (EPO), testosterone and related prohormones; and clarifying the structural properties of new ­designer substances

Schindowski Zimmermann, Katharina, Prof. Dr.

// studied biochemistry and received her doctorate in 2001 on biomarkers in Alzheimer’s disease // This was followed by positions at the University of Heidelberg and at Sanofi-Aventis in France // She led an independent group of researchers at Inserm (Lille, France) until 2007, followed by a position at Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma // In early 2010, she accepted a professorship in Molecular Pharmacology at Biberach University of Applied Sciences

Schnapka, Julia

is a state-certified food chemist. She studied food chemistry at the University of Wuppertal, completing the practical part of her professional training in 2013. Following this, she then commenced her research work at LCI, focusing on the analysis of MOSH/MOAH in confectionery and savory products using methods such as GCxGC-TOF.

Schneider, Bernhard

// joined the HOBOS team for his research in e-learning technologies // Before that he has worked for over eleven years in Computer Sciences // He received a M.Sc. and a diploma in business informatics at the University of Wuerzburg and the GSO University of Applied Sience in Nuernberg // He is a frequent speaker at academic events

Schudt, Gordian, Dr

The team of authors is participating in Ebola field diagnostics in Guinea as part of the European Mobile Lab project. Marburg virologists Dr Svenja Wolff, Dr Thomas Strecker, Anne Kelterbaum and Dr Gordian Schudt (l to r) have each spent several weeks in Guinea as part of the EMLab project, so as to conduct on-site diagnostics of suspected cases of Ebola. Another virologist from Marburg is currently deployed in Guinea. // is a postdoc in the Institute of Virology at the University of Marburg // He is particularly fascinated by the microscopic investigation of living cells that have become infected with Ebola or Marburg viruses // Within these cells, he investigates viral transport, assembly and release

Schulz, Wolfgang, Dr

RISK-IDENT project group at the last annual meeting in February 2014. Article authors are circled in red; from left to right: Prof. Dr Thomas Letzel, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Thomas Lucke, Dr Wolfgang Schulz, Dr Marion Letzel, Dr Manfred Sengl // works in the Operations and Research Laboratory at Zweck­verband Landeswasserversorgung in Langenau, and is an analytical partner in the BMBF research project RISK-IDENT

Schütze, Karin, Dr

// born in 1956, studied ­biology and sports in Heidelberg to become a teacher // She did her PhD work in the Institute for Applied Physical Chemistry in Heidelberg under supervision of Prof. Horst Ludwig and K.O. Greulich. As a postdoc at the University of California in Berkeley in Prof. Manfred ­Schliwa's lab she assembled her first Optical Trap with the support of Dr Art Ashkin // She also ­collaborated with Dr Rangaswamy Srinivasan ­appling UV-lasers for cell ablation // In 1993 she and her husband Raimund Schütze founded the former PALM company // They were developing and marketing Optical Tweezers and laser microdissection systems for biomedical application // In 2004 PALM was successfully sold to Carl ZEISS. At Zeiss she worked as Innovation Officer until 2008 when she and her husband founded CellTool GmbH // Here they focus on engineering Raman systems for biomedical applications and established a service lab for research collaborations and contract research // In 2006 both received the “Berthold Leibinger Innovationpreis” and were nominated for the ‘Deutscher Zukunftspreis’ of Germany’s Federal President // She has published 80 ­articles. Her expertise is non-contact cell ­handling and enrichment based on innovative photonic technologies with focus on developing complex photonic systems into easy-to-handle tools // Her specialty is cell research using ­bio­photonic methods and the development of dedicated ­application protocols

Sengl, Manfred, Dr

RISK-IDENT project group at the last annual meeting in February 2014. Article authors are circled in red; from left to right: Prof. Dr Thomas Letzel, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Thomas Lucke, Dr Wolfgang Schulz, Dr Marion Letzel, Dr Manfred Sengl // is head of the “Specific Analysis for Environmental Monitoring” unit at the Bavarian Environment Agency, and one of two coordinators for the RISK-IDENT project

Shastri, V. Prasad, Prof. Dr

// born in 1967, is a Full ­Professor at the University of Freiburg, ­Germany and the Director of the Institute for Macro­molecular Chemistry // He is one of the core ­faculties at the BIOSS Center for Biological Signaling Studies, which is one of the national clusters of Excellence in Germany // He received his Ph.D. from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (Troy, NY) in 1995 and carried out his post-­doctoral work with Robert Langer at MIT // He has published over 100 peer-reviewed papers, proceedings, extended abstracts and book chapters and authored over 30 issued and pending patents in polymers, biomaterials, pharmaceuticals and regenerative medicine, many of which are licensed to pharma- and ­biotech companies // He has pioneered several technologies in biomaterials, drug delivery, and nanotechnology, including the In Vivo Bioreactor, a ground-breaking approach for auto­logous engineering of bone and cartilage // His laboratory is actively involved in the development of biomaterials for controlling cellular microenviron­ments, in vivo engineering of ­tissue, intracellular delivery, cancer therapeutics and functional ­imaging

Smallwood, Margaret, Dr

Steinbach, Alfred, Dr

// is scientific technical writer in the Marketing Department of Metrohm AG, based in Herisau, Switzerland // He obtained his Masters in nuclear chemistry from the University of Cologne, Germany, and his PhD in environmental and analytical biogeochemistry from the University of Hamburg, Germany // Before obtaining his PhD and joining Metrohm AG in 2006, he carried out research in nuclear, analytical and environmental chemistry and worked as production manager at BASF Venezolana S.A in South America
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